Best 'Free' AI Tools to Learn Anything - About Making Money or Your Studies

 Here are, all the best free AI websites for university students to learn anything fully for free.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most exciting and rapidly evolving fields of technology today. AI has the potential to transform various industries and domains, such as healthcare, manufacturing, law, and finance. AI also offers many learning and career development opportunities for university students who want to pursue this field.

However, learning AI can be challenging and expensive, especially for students who may not have access to high-quality courses or resources. Fortunately, there are many free AI websites that can help students learn anything they want about AI, from the basics to the advanced topics. These websites offer a variety of features, such as interactive tutorials, online courses, quizzes, projects, and forums.

In this blog post, we will introduce you to some of the best free AI websites for university students to learn anything fully for free. These websites are:

- Google AI Education: This website provides a comprehensive collection of educational resources on AI and machine learning (ML), created by Google experts. You can find courses, videos, podcasts, blogs, and research papers on various topics, such as natural language processing (NLP), computer vision (CV), deep learning (DL), and more. You can also access Google's AI tools and platforms, such as TensorFlow, Google Cloud AI Platform, and Dialogflow.

- IBM Watson: This website allows you to explore and experiment with IBM's AI products and services, such as Watson Assistant, Watson Discovery, Watson Studio, and more. You can learn how to build and deploy AI applications using IBM's cloud-based tools and APIs. You can also access free courses and certifications on IBM's cognitive skills network.

- Quizlet: This website is a popular online learning platform that helps students study and memorize new information. You can create your flashcards or use existing ones on various subjects, such as math, science, languages, and more. You can also use Quizlet's AI-powered features, such as Smart Study, which creates personalized study plans based on your goals and progress; or Quizlet Learn, which adapts to your learning style and provides feedback and hints.

- Coursera: This website is one of the largest online learning platforms offering thousands of courses and degrees from top universities and companies worldwide. You can find many courses on AI and ML on Coursera, covering topics such as neural networks, reinforcement learning (RL), computer vision (CV), natural language processing (NLP), and more. You can also earn certificates and credentials that can boost your resume and career prospects.

- Kaggle: This website is a platform for data science and ML enthusiasts to learn, compete, and collaborate on real-world problems. You can find datasets, notebooks, competitions, courses, and forums on Kaggle that can help you improve your skills and knowledge of AI and ML. You can also join Kaggle's community of over 7 million users who share their insights and solutions on various topics.

- edX: This website is another online learning platform that offers courses and programs from top universities and organizations around the world. You can find many courses on AI and ML on edX, covering topics such as artificial neural networks (ANNs), natural language processing (NLP), computer vision (CV), robotics, ethics of AI, and more. You can also earn certificates and credentials that can enhance your academic and professional profile.

- This website is a project that aims to make AI accessible to everyone by providing free courses, books, software, and resources on DL. You can learn how to build state-of-the-art DL models using's library that runs on top of PyTorch. You can also access's blog, forum, podcast, and research papers covering various DL aspects.

- Codecademy: This website is an online platform that teaches you how to code in various languages and frameworks. You can find courses on Python, R, SQL, HTML/CSS/JavaScript (JS), React.js (React), Ruby/Rails (Ruby), Java/Android (Java), C#, Swift/iOS (Swift), etc. You can also find courses on data science (DS) and ML that teach you how to analyze data using Python libraries such as NumPy/Pandas/Matplotlib/Seaborn/SciPy/Sklearn/TensorFlow/Keras/PyTorch etc.

- MIT OpenCourseWare: This website is a repository of free course materials from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). You can find lectures notes/slides/videos/quizzes/exams/projects etc. from MIT's courses on various subjects such as mathematics/computer science/engineering/physics


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